The José Martí's consular work in New York: an International Relations perspective


  • José Luis Salmon Soriano
  • Emily Puisseaux Moreno
  • Virgen Maité Llamos Acosta


Martí, consular representation, international context, Pan-Americanism.


Martí's consular work was developed at a time of great changes in the international context. The late 19th century was featured by the rise of the United States of America (USA) to the imperialist phase and the modification of its mechanisms for dominating Latin America. So, the national interests’ defense of the South American republics, his popularity within the Argentine scholastic community and the common points with the speeches of the most prominent sector of the Latin American intelligentsia, along with the peculiarities of the international context, determined his election to assume the consular representation of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. In fact, José Martí became the first Cuban to assume the role of honorary consul for more than two States. In this sense, the essential purpose of his work was aimed at preventing the United States’ expansion towards Latin America; for which, he denounced the expansive and underhanded actions of the United States and executed a careful line of activities to avoid the reactions of the northern government against the Latin American patriots.


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Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales