The U.S. foreign policy toward Japan during the Trump and Biden administrations: a comparative analysis.


  • Ignacio David Zayas La O


United States, China, Japan, alliances


Despite differences in style and rhetoric, US foreign policy toward Japan during the Trump and Biden administrations has been guided by the logic of global capitalism and the need to preserve US hegemony in the face of the rise of China. While Trump implemented a transactional and disruptive approach, characterized by trade measures and pressure on allies, Biden sought to recompose alliances with Tokyo and strengthen regional cooperation, through initiatives such as the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework and the Quad. However, the intensification of the rivalry between Washington and Beijing generates uncertainty and increases the risk of conflict in the region. This paper analyzes continuities and ruptures in U.S. foreign policy toward Japan during the Trump and Biden administrations, examining the impact of China's rise on the bilateral relationship and its influence on the balance of power in the Asia-Pacific region. In this scenario, Donald Trump's electoral victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election could generate a new scenario in the strategy of the bilateral relationship and the balance of power in the Indo-Pacific.

Author Biography

Ignacio David Zayas La O

Estudiante de Relaciones Internacionales en el instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales ''Raúl Roa García'' (ISRI). Se ha especializado en el estudio de las dinámicas geopolíticas de Asia. ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9562-6875


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