The prevention of an arms race in outer space: scope of discussions on the subject at the conference on disarmament (2008-2020)



outer space, space weapon, geopolitics, arms race, international security, international system.


Outer space is an area of recent exploration that has no specific physical limits. At present, it has gained great relevance in the field of international relations, since technological advancement -in the hands of few countries and destined to the improvement of the means and methods to develop the war- has made it possible for several States and other international actors to accede to this area and seek a strategic-military superiority. This phenomenon takes place in a context of normative insufficiency and inconsistencies in the conception of the subjects of international law regarding their participation in outer space activities. At the Conference on Disarmament, one of the main forums where specialized debate about the non-militarization of outer space has taken place, the lack of political will and the aggravation of contradictions among its member states have impeded real progress in the discussions on this topic.


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