Challenges for the sustainability of the internationalization of Higher Education: strategies from the Higher Institute of International Relations.



Higher Education, international relations, internationalization, sustainability, challenges.


At present, the internationalization of higher education has gained a relevant importance, given the growth in the demand for this level of studies and its consequent massification; therefore, such process represents a challenge in terms of quality and equity. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main challenges for the sustainability of the internationalization of Cuban higher education, taking as a case study the Higher Institute of International Relations "Raúl Roa García" (ISRI). Based on documentary research, semi-structured interviews and the SWOT analysis carried out, it was possible to corroborate that the internationalization process at ISRI has been influenced by the international reality, the current conditions of the country and the impact of the blockade; nevertheless, the Institute has promoted innovation within its internationalization strategy and has promoted academic collaboration with institutions in various geographical regions.


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