The G-77+China in the face of global climate governance: the Basic Group


  • Nachely Pérez Guedes
  • Alfredo Arufe Padrón


BASIC Group, G77+China, climate change, developing countries


The G77+China is the largest intergovernmental coordination mechanism in the multilateral arena, and is of great importance for the unification of forces among developing countries. However, at times its actions have been limited by the presence of contradictory interests among its heterogeneous membership. One of the most important issues on its agenda is the fight against climate change. The BASIC Group, made up of Brazil, China, India and South Africa, is articulated in the context of climate change negotiations and has become a key player within the G77+China in the fight against this phenomenon. In this sense, it has achieved great notoriety in the multilateral scenario. It has defended the demands of developing countries and the claim of responsibilities to developed countries. This article aims to determine the influence of the actions of the BASIC Group as part of the G77+China in global climate governance from 2009 to 2022.


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