The restoration of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia: impact and prospects for the region.


  • Sofía Miranda González
  • Alberto Blanco Peñate


Saudi Arabia, Iran, restoration, diplomatic relations, prospects.


In March 2023, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed to restore diplomatic relations.  The restoration of diplomatic relations, achieved thanks to Chinese auspices, opens up new prospects for stability and security for the Middle East.  These countries, leaders of the Sunni and Shiite worlds respectively, have been competing for decades in the international oil markets and for hegemony in ME and North Africa.  Therefore, this article aims to identify the implications for the region of the reestablishment of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran in 2023. For this, the main expressions of the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran and their confrontation scenarios will be described. In the region (1979-2022) and the changes in political and diplomatic matters that have occurred in the region after the reestablishment of relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran (March 2023-May 2023) will be analyzed.


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