The U.S. foreign policy toward the Pacific Island States (2021-2022)


  • Karla Oliveros Pérez
  • Laura María Pérez Cuervo


The United States; China; Pacific Islands; foreign policy.


The United States was constantly involved in the Indo-Pacific region, from almost the beginning of its history, whether through trade, missionary activity, diplomacy, or military action. However, US influence and power in the region have been significantly challenged, perhaps for the first time since 1945, in a context marked by the rise of China and the vital role of Asia in the global economy. For that reason, since the second decade of the 21st century, the nation has aspired to recover its supremacy through the strengthening of political-diplomatic ties, the promotion of economic growth, and the fostering of the area militarization. Joseph Biden's strategy towards the Indo-Pacific, although it generally represents continuity in terms of US foreign policy towards the Pacific Islands region, also shows a revitalization of alliance schemes and strategic associations in the region; the allocation of significant economic resources linked, fundamentally, to investment in climate change mitigation programs; and the strengthening of the political-military presence.


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