Main factors that determined Gustavo Petro's victory in Colombia (2018-2022)


  • Juan Pablo Bencomo Herrera


Colombia, Gustavo Petro, elections


The electoral triunph of Gustavo Petro meant the first victory of the political left in Colombia. In this sense, various factors intervened during the government of Iván Duque, which in 2022 determined the vote in favor of Petro. The effects of the multidimensional crisis in Colombia are highlighted, which in addition to accentuating the chronic problems of the current social order, exposed others of a diverse nature, such as the case of authoritarian governance and the precariousness of income and employment. Also, the policy of implementation of the Peace Accords was another of the factor that influenced the electoral result. Finally, the situation derived from the economic crisis, aggravated by the non-resolution of the violence, led to the start of large demostrations in the country, which envolved towards the decisive commitment of the popular movements and leftist forces for the option of the Historical Pact.

Author Biography

Juan Pablo Bencomo Herrera

Estudiante de tercer año de la Licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales del Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales “Raúl Roa García”. Se ha mantenido activo en la actividad investigativa desde sus primeros años de carrera. Ha obtenido reconocimientos por su participación en varios eventos universitarios.


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