European Union: impact of Covid-19 and challenges in a post-pandemic world


  • Dayron Valido Escalona


European Union, COVID-19, economic recovery, international relations.


The European Union, as the world reference for integrationist projects and an important pole of power in international relations, faces setbacks that have made its institutional stability wobble. After the Brexit, the crisis provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic has been the situation that has had a greater impact on the continent, which is why in this article the impact of this crisis is assessed and the challenges imposed to the Union's future are characterized. Its effects have enormously affected Brussels' pretensions of reinvigorating its preponderance in the international concert, in the light of the boom of Russia and China. The full economic recovery in the light of a pandemic that isn’t over yet, the fight on euroescepticism, the advance of the far-right and the search of consensus so that the Union increases its geopolitical relevance, are the main topics in Brussels' agenda. 


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