The role of the UN in the evolution of the conflict in Western Sahara (1960-1999)


  • Leandro Piloto Planas
  • David Wong Aguilera
  • Roylán Rodríguez Guerra


Western Sahara, United Nations, Western Sahara Conflict, referendum, self-determination.


During the 1950s, a series of decolonization processes started to take place in Africa under the direction of the United Nations. The failed independence of Western Sahara, under the watch of Spain, and the latter Moroccan military intervention draw the attention of the U.N to the matter. Since then, recurrent debates and declarations about the Western Sahara and its frustrated decolonization have taken place in the midst of the United Nations System. Nevertheless, the geopolitical interests of parties involved and other extra-regional actors have diminished the capacity of the U.N to exercise its authority, and have limited its ability to find an effective solution to the Western Sahara conflict.


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Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales