The WHO's role during Covid-19


  • Diana Mary Cil Alfonso
  • Amanda Hernández Castillo


COVID-19, WHO, multilateralism, United Nations, crisis.


The COVID-19 pandemic had a huge impact on an international scenario characterized by profound global problems, where multilateralism and, in particular, the United Nations organizations are currently facing challenges at all levels. Despite its efforts, the World Health Organization was unable to lead a concerted action to reduce the effects of the pandemic. Thus, its inability to lead the global efforts to confront a health crisis became evident. Also, it is clear the necessity to reform its functioning in order to respond to global challenges. This is an example of the crisis of the multilateral system worldwide. The organizations born after the Second World War and that are part of the United Nations System cannot guarantee global governance and are increasingly affected by the unilateral measures of some countries, especially the United States.


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