The normative evolution of sovereign debt in the second half of the twentieth century


  • Carla Arrieta de Armas


Dette souveraine, traitement normatif, 20e siècle


The regulatory approaches to sovereign debt have been typified by the absence of universally agreed principles or common fora for its negotiation and restructuring. After World War II, the prevailing procedures favored creditors to the detriment of debtors; and suffered from improvised solutions, combining political pressure with financial support instruments from the Paris Club, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. During this period, the sovereign debt management scheme showed fragmentation and inequity, with serious consequences, mainly for developing countries. This research intends to study the evolution of the normative approaches to sovereign debt during the second half of the twentieth century.

Author Biography

Carla Arrieta de Armas

Licenciada en Relaciones Internacionales por el Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales ''Raúl Roa García'' (ISRI). Es miembro del equipo editorial de la Revista Ad Hoc. Se ha especializado en el estudio de temas de cultura y su impacto en las relaciones internacionales. ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6528-8240


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