Editorial Note


  • Karla Oliveros Pérez


The presentation of this Special Edition of the University Scientific Journal has significant motivations: Ad Hoc has reached its Tenth Issue and can proudly share with its readers the recognition of having obtained the National Registry of Serial Publications! It is for this reason that the Journal is pleased to present a different publication, whose central theme is: "The role of the Group of 77 and China as a forum for multilateral coordination. Cuba in the pro-tempore presidency"; and in which sections such as: Update on student projects and Words from our graduates are reactivated. The Editorial Committee extends its gratitude to the specialists of the International Policy Research Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as to the professors of the Higher Institute of International Relations "Raúl Roa García" for their unconditional help in reviewing the manuscripts submitted by the students.

Ad Hoc reaches its tenth issue with the commitment to continue working for the scientific dissemination of university students, based on rigor and excellence. Throughout the more than three years of activity of the Journal, the dedication of each of the members of the Editorial Committee, as well as the professionalism of the referees and collaborators, have been fundamental for the construction and development of an innovative university platform for the exchange of ideas and the advancement of science. To our readers, whose interests and intellectual curiosity represent the driving force of our activity, infinite gratitude.

We hope that the Tenth Issue of the Journal will be well received by you, our readers. See you in 2024!

