The Generation of '28 against the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gomez


  • Sarah Patricia Docazal Mir
  • Glenda Gómez García


Generation of 28, Gomecism, student movements, politics, intellectuality


Throughout history, student movements have been decisive in political struggles in support of freedom and democracy and they have been a driving force of the progressive processes all around the world. Associated with Venezuela, student demonstrations have become an important reference research as they have promoted social and political changes at different periods in the country´s history. For instance, the event that took place in 1928 impacted on the political and social life of the country. It was the first great Venezuelan student movement, well known as the “Generation of 28”. The purpose of this research is to analyze the causes of the emergence and actions of the so called “Generation of 28” against the dictatorial government of General Juan Vicente Gómez, while explaining the cultural and political-social meaning of this movement for Venezuela.


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