Editorial Note


  • Aimé Triana Sevajanes Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales


This issue of the journal Ad Hoc has been shaped and will be published in a context marked by the Covid-19 pandemic. This disease has forced us to postpone physical contact between research studies, which has represented a challenge for authors as well as for members of the Referee and Editorial Committees. However, it has also meant an opportunity to learn to interact with new ICT tools and transform ways of organization and work. A wide variety of topics have been covered, including the international context, the history of Cuba and elements of student scientific work in the Covid-19 period. The journal will address topics related to international law, the Asian region, the common history of Cuba and Spain, the economy and the Cuban heritage. The aim is to contribute not only to the enjoyment and learning of the reader but also to the scientific training of researchers.

